If you run a busy veterinary practice, you’ll appreciate the need for an efficient and economical heating system. Here are a few good reasons why you should consider upgrading your old, unreliable heating system and replacing it with an air source heat pump solution instead.

What is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump system uses available heat from the air or the ground surrounding your business premises and increases its temperature so that it can be used to create warm air and hot water, which is easily tailored to the needs of the animals in your care.

Cost-effective, green energy

Air source heat pump systems use a completely green, renewable fuel source – latent heat already present in the air or ground. This means that the heating and hot water that is provided to your practice is totally green and is much cheaper than oil or gas.

Your sole expenditure will be on the electricity required to run the system, which will make it much easier for your practice manager to budget for your annual heating costs. The considerable savings that you will make on your heating bills can then be reinvested into more essential equipment and animal care facilities for your practice.

If you run a rural practice, you will probably be reliant on oil deliveries to provide fuel for your heating system. An air source heat pump system will mean that you will have no concerns about the reliability or fluctuating cost of oil supplies and you won’t have the hassle of supervising deliveries.

Longevity and ease of maintenance

When you have in-patients in your practice and animals that are recovering from surgery, you need to know that you can provide a warm and comfortable environment in which they can recover. Air source heat pump systems are known for their superior reliability and longevity. You can expect your new, fully warranted heating system to run reliably for up to 30 years with just one annual maintenance check required.

To find out more about how a new air source heat pump for heating and cooling could benefit your veterinary practice, why not give Colchester-based Inn-House Technology Ltd (I-HT) a call. I-HT install and maintain air source heat pump technology right across the south east and East Anglia.